Throughout the years of my walk with the Lord, I have always been drawn to the Prophetic, (what will happen in the future through Prophecy), especially after coming out of the occult called the, Santeria.” It is a Spanish word that means the, “Worship of Saints,” and practices witchcraft, voodoo, demon possession, satanism, spiritualism, and ritual abuse on its victims. Thankfully, I am now a committed Follower of Christ and use my past in this cult to expose the tactics of the demonic realm…


Someone who shares about the life in this occult is, John Ramirez, who was a very high-ranking Warlock in the Santeria. His world is what I experienced and many of the people in his circle were the same individuals that my family were affiliated with. To learn more about his testimony in detail, you can view it on his CBN interview


A form of practice that every cult uses is where satan infiltrates the Body of Christ by placing his followers inside the Church as, “Wolves in sheep’s clothing.” He then disrupts and misleads Believers with the ultimate goal of dividing the Body of Christ. Satan’s followers are trained to look for more victims to abuse, woo into their cults, and then program them through mind control.


My own mother was indoctrinated into the Santeria cult or, “The Religion,” under the illusion that it was Biblical. Her Catholic background did not equip her for what she was about to enter into. Jesus was even used as one of the saints they would worship, but is a, “False Jesus.” In my years within this cult, I was subjected to Satanic Ritual Abuse, (SRA), along with having several demons assigned to me and was conditioned to accept demonic mind programming. How does this affect a person?


It leads to Disassociative Identity Disorder, (DID), Multiple Personality Disorder, (MPD), along with other various mental illnesses. It’s how an SRA survives when they are severely abused and tortured by their perpetrators. However, non-SRA persons are also affected with various mental disorders through physical, mental, or verbal abuse that they’ve endured in their past and are just as real. I refer to it as, “Soul Trauma.”


Unless someone seeks spiritual deliverance and mental stability, SRAs can possibly live in constant stress, emotionally drained, and stuck in abusive relationships, along with severe, “triggers,” being set off in them. This was satan’s agenda for my life. However, God is greater and is healing me daily from the inside out. This is one of the Life Verses I live by:



“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future…”


The World of Psychology is dealing with so many that have PTSD, OCD, Bi-Polar, Schizophrenia, and various other disorders that are labeled, “mental illness.” However, when a person is severely abused in any capacity they will, “split,” in their personalities or deny it to deal with the pain of their abuse by suppressing it in their subconscious mind. This is where living in denial of that pain through addictions and unhealthy ways of thinking can come in. It then causes a person to become stuck in a vicious cycle of mental, spiritual, and physical disorder, along with a life that is never truly at peace or able to connect with God fully.


SRAs are programmed by our perpetrators with dysfunctional and distorted thinking by using fear as the base source of controlling us. Through this abuse, our souls are literally, “shattered,” into pieces, causing, “Alters, Insider, or Parts,” that are formed within us, which leads to MPD, DID, and a host of other issues. One can equate it with the movie done by Sally Fields in Sybil. Many in our world today cannot stomach knowing about SRA and choose not to believe it could exist, but it does


Survivors of this type of abuse are also very sensitive to the Spiritual Realm, due to what we have been subjected to demonically. What others cannot see in the Spiritual Realm, we do, especially around Halloween. This holiday is the equivalent of Christmas for Believers, but in the demonic realm. Since satanism is not embraced by everyone, we are labeled, “crazy,” prescribed drugs, or institutionalized keeping us medicated, but never really free. Sadly, the Big Pharma Industry is run by many high-ranking satanists, along with those in our government. Sure, it may sound like a good Conspiracy Theory, which is exactly what satan wants one to believe. Remember, he is the, “The Father of Lies.”


A person can actually be assaulted by the demonic realm and they don’t even know it through Astral Projecting to be ritualistically abused in the 2nd heavens, (this is where satan operates from in the Heavenlies). Some may come back with bruises, cuts, and feeling as if they never slept. Then there are the demonic dreams or, “unknown programs,” running within an SRA Survivor’s mind, along with being physically afflicted all the time. As SRAs, we are very misunderstood. We have been subjected to unspeakable acts of sexual abuse, mental anguish, curses, and demonic programming. Many in the Church today have no clue how to address this type of witchcraft, or severe body/soul/spirit trauma, and simply, “praying,” it away will not work. There are times when God will use a Supernatural encounter where someone can experience a mass deliverance and are instantly delivered and set free.


Prayer will always help an SRA heal from various wounded areas of their lives, but we have endured such horrendous torture and there are layers upon layers of Soul Trauma that Jesus delicately heals us from one trauma at a time. This type of deliverance needs to be walked through with individuals who have a solid connection with the Holy Spirit, a keen sense of discernment, along with being aware of what SRA trauma is. Unfortunately, there are few Therapists, Coaches, or Counselors who know what they are dealing with in SRA. However, as we enter the End Times, we will see many more people being raised up and they won’t all be Christians either. We need a lot of help and many Clinicians are left scratching their heads about this type of abuse or denying it altogether


Until my healings started to take place, I lived a very faint-hearted life never believing that I could be fulfilled and peaceful, let alone be, “happy,” for too long. Now, I’ve been able to embrace that I am loved and cherished, as a Daughter of the Most High God and the Bride of His Son, King Jesus. Yet, it’s taken continual hard work in therapy, spiritual deliverance, and inner healing to get me to embrace my new identity in Christ and deprogram the lies of the enemy. If you have been subjected to any form of ritual abuse, (or any other type of abuse), that has caused you to lose yourself and your purpose in life, there is hope for you. If God can do it for me, He can, (and will), do it for you too. I encourage you to seek help today and finally begin living the life God destined for you to live here on Earth.


Take Care of You,


CS 💞