This had been my Life Story for quiet some time throughout the years and it definitely had taken it’s toil on my heart, body, and soul, (the mind, will, and emotions). It landed me in some very challenging and even life threatening circumstances. I lived with an evil foreboding that left me weary and feeling insecure a lot, despite my success in the Business World.

Have you ever thought that you were being attacked to no end? You know the constant bombardment of life circumstances, work-related issues, family drama, or marital problems that seem to be sucking the life out from under you….

I lived in a constant bi-polar state-of-being – one minute up getting so much accomplished and then next minute down to where I was depressed or bedridden. I tried medications and therapy for years and there is a place for all of that. I would have breakthroughs in God and things would be okay for a little while.

However, the demonic influences attached to me and my life were constantly battling for my Calling in God. I look back now and can see it so clearly and as my husband always says, “Hind sight is 20/20…” How correct he was in that for sure! Yet, until I went in for Spiritual Deliverance and Inner Healing through a ministry called, “Freedom Encounters,” I was not totally set free.

As I continue to go through my deliverances, the veils over my soul are lifting on my Life Purpose and I am able to see more clearly. Satan’s assignments are being broken off of me, one-by-one, and I am healing from the inside out. I no longer choose to live by what, “I see or feel,” but by the ability to see life through the Eyes of the Spirit, which then leads to having the Peace that passes all understanding that Scripture talks about.

In the Story of the 12 Spies sent out to spy on the Land of Canaan, 10 of the Spies could only, “see,” that there were Giants in the Land. Yet, Joshua and Caleb saw how, “giant the land was, and all of the opportunities that existed. He also told the 10 Spies who were Naysayers to basically, “Shut Up!”

NUMBERS 13:27-28, 30-31: 27 This is what they reported to Moses: ‘We went to the land where you sent us. It really is a land flowing with milk and honey. Here’s some of its fruit. 28 But the people who live there are strong, and the cities have walls and are very large.’ 30 Caleb told the people to be quiet and listen to Moses. Caleb said, ‘Let’s go now and take possession of the land. We should be more than able to conquer it.’ 31 But the men who had gone with him said, ‘We can’t attack those people! They’re too strong for us!’ 

Oh, how I have walked in the 10 Spies shoes, more than once, sad to say. The Giants in my Lands have far outweighed my little Mustard Seed of Faith many times! That was my problem though – I wasn’t strong enough in my Spiritual walk to be rooted and grounded to who I am in Christ. The enemy planted many false voices into my soul to ensure my demise and I fell for it on more than one occasion.

Today, my life is completely doing a 190 degree turn from knowing who I am and who I am not, as I continue to travel on the Journey of Healing daily. I didn’t get here over night and I won’t get out of here overnight either. I have learned that the road less traveled in my life were surrendering to my pain and not to God and living in denial that I needed help. It’s how I was raised and all I knew, but that was then and this is now.

How about you – are there Giants in your Land that are overwhelming you? I would encourage you today to be a Joshua and Caleb by silencing what you see in the natural and then remember who your Daddy is!

Take Care of You,

Coach Sandra 💞

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