I truly believe that my life purpose is to help someone become unstuck and go forward into their life purpose. I share from a, “strategic perspective,” in helping others find their God-given destiny.
Through my writings, I teach others to learn the, “Why behind their what…” What is their, “why,” behind, “what,” they do? Is it negative programming? Is it from past abuse? Is it from childhood trauma? Is it from soul wounds? Is it from demonic mindsets? Here are some of the topics I coach on:
- Retraining your mind from negative programming.
- What does God and Scripture say about abuse?
- Who am I and what is my purpose in life?
- Natural stress relief threw a holistic approach.
- The effects of pornography and healing from being in a relationship with an addict/abuser.
- Dealing with sexual trauma, abandonment, rejection, and abuse.
- Overcoming negative talk to get you to a place of peace within.
- Defining and redefining your relationships.
- Finding your, “Voice,” again and learning to use it.
- Signs that you are being abused and how to protect yourself.
- Working through being separated from your mate, family, or toxic relationships.
- When necessary for your well-being, file for a legal separation, annulment, or divorce.
- How emotional habits have pre-programmed us mentally and spiritually.
- Ways to, “Take Care of You.”
- Avoid people-pleasing, enabling, rescuing, and living in denial.
- How powerful our words are.
- What boundaries are and aren’t.
- Tips to help someone take their life back.
- Evaluating the costs of remaining in dysfunction.