In my family, we had several addictions that were passed down to me. How did it all begin? Generational Soul Ties, Soul Wounds, and through Witchcraft Curses…


In our family, food was a HUGE issue. Money was always a constant battle in our home and we never had enough to do anything with what we did have. As a child, I felt very deprived, so when I got older and was able to get Credit Cards, I quickly became a Shopoholic. That was the beginning of my spending addiction.


When I was 10-years old, my parents divorced and it was a very ugly one. The hate, rage, and abuse that existed in our home did some major damage to our family and divorce was the only option my mother had.


In 1976, life, as we had known it with my father, was over. My sister and I were sent to stay the Summer with my father and his new wife, who had relocated to San Francisco, CA, because of the Company he worked for. Needless to say, it was very awkward. Our father was always working and food became one of our main focuses to try and make-up for his absence. 


I came back 20-pounds heavier that Summer and have struggled with weight every since. Why? I was given the message that food will comfort you when you are sad, mad, happy, confused, or any emotion I was feeling. It didn’t talk back and was always there.


I had also been exposed to the occult my family was in and had so many demonic spirits in me that I were mentally tormented daily. When I was 20-years old, I finally went in for Spiritual Deliverance, but the battle was just beginning in healing the deep Soul Wounds and demonic mind programming I carried.


Consuming large amounts of food at one time was the only thing that brought the family together and so that dysfunction in turned into a Binge Eating Disorder, (BED), where using food as my comfort was passed down to me. Addiction is something that satan thrives on and he uses our past Soul Wounds to give Legal Access to spirits who have been passed down to us from our Ancestors. 


It is a daily Journey to not listen to the lies of the enemy within my Soul, (my mind, will, and emotions). If I am not mindful, he whispers half-truths into my ear, trying to make me believe that it’s, “me,” who is thinking these things. Some days I do good and others days I fail, but the key is that I am on a consistent Road to Recovery.


I have learned, the hard way, that one cannot fix an external problem they are facing, unless they purposely deal with the heart and spiritual issues that cause a person to be addicted to food, shopping, sex, or whatever vice they choose to allow the enemy to entice them with.


PROVERBS 21:17: You’re addicted to thrills? What an empty life! The pursuit of pleasure is never satisfied.”


How about you – do you have a food addiction and you don’t even know it? Or you may have another type of addiction that is killing your relationships, Life Purpose, and stealing your Destiny. Are you seeking to get help – if not, why not? Food for thought…


Take Care of You,


Coach Sandra 💞


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